Seven Deadly Sins

Envy:Very High

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Uhmm... I am overwhelmed.

What kind of a leader am I?! Instead of just doing our projects, here am I, doing my blog. Funny, ain't it?

So I guess my blog will be filled with nonsense. Better put, let's just fill it with nonsense!
  • We have a lot of projects. We have thesis for our Filipino course, a presentation for Sociology-Anthropology subject and the ever-strenuous Computer practical exams that, if you missed, you'll die for sure! And guess what: we are lost! Hmm... And, adding insult to injury, I am a leader in one of those projects! It is not that I don't want responsibilities, but I don't want people to be leaning on me. A handful of people, that is. I am scared, because it is my first time to be actually going through the "being a leader" thing. Harhar.
  • This is the worst of my days! My bag strap snapped, I wasn't able to get even 1 point for our recitation, my works are vigorously commented and my effort in changing clothes is for a useless cause: what a conundrum! I generally hate this day.
  • About the recitation in Sociology-Anthropology, I am very disappointed. I studied, look at my book! It is highlighted! I am mad. That subject is not about who studied anymore but about who is able to write his answers beforehand in a piece of paper. Inasmuch as I wanted to curse, I know I did my best and I did study. I learned and not just wrote, duh! Grr! I am frustrated!
  • Biochemistry! Biochemistry! I am really afraid of that subject. I may fail. Nooo! Don't fall to oblivion. Hold on. Help me!

So... I guess that is all. Nonetheless I must put everything to it. That is a promise.

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