I was reading some things on the net and I found this very good website about Personality and Multiple Intelligence Tests that can tell you exactly (well, at least for me) what you are. For the record, I do not believe in the objective presentation of the human mind, but, if it happens to shoot right through me, then let it be. Besides, there is no harm in doing these things. It only gets creepy when the results hit.
The test was precise--at the end you will not utter a word. I assure you. These are the results when I took the examination:
100% Verbal/Linguistic: This is where it hit the spot. You see, I am this person that you may call a corrector. Sorry for the lousy word, but, I prefer it that way. When somebody says something in English and I happen to hear it, no matter who that was, I would instantaneously correct his grammar. Most of the times, I whisper it to myself; some people told me it was offending to correct others' word usage especially when they are of a higher degree than me. They are scared that I will be mutilated, burned, boiled, pricked and poked by giants who do not even know what's the difference between "a" and "an." It is not intentional, it is innate. And things like this are incorrigible. I also love writing poems, short stories and journals (like this, haha). Since I am a to-be nurse, I am also willing to write Nursing Care Plans, Teaching Plans and Family Nursing Care Plans. Don't ask me what those three things are. Definitions in my field are hemorrhagic or, as my professor in Bioethics termed "epistaxis," a bloodshed.
85% Visual/Spatial: They say that those who are good at this field loves (underscoring applied) geometry. Yes, I love the squares, triangles, trapezoids, trapeziums and circles, but, I wasn't able to like it that much. Care to ask why? One word: Mathematics. I suck in this subject ever since I was able to sit on a class room. Yes, all of my other subjects are way over the top, but, my Mathematics grade just can't go any higher. My grade is gravitational; the higher I aspire, the lower it gets. No matter how depressing this matter is, all I could do was look closely to my teacher's eye--specifically the fibrous tunic--and contemplate if there were chances that I could see my reflection. Anyways, the thing that made me pass this part is drawing. I love drawing things. I love visualizing things and daydreaming (more like sleeping with eyes open when the teacher is talking in front). I love imagining things, but not to a point where I conclude that have an imaginary friend beside me. At least I am not crazy. Not yet.
85% Logical. This is a fact: I want things to be as rational as possible. I must not work with assumptions, simply because if I was questioned about my doings, I will never be able to answer. That is why I read a lot of stuff to objectify my claim (if I have any). Besides, in my field, facts are needed. What is not done cannot be written. What is not written is not done. Claims are inconclusive. Hearsays pain my ears. (P.S.: About mathematics being a part of this intelligence, it was just a joke. Don't believe everything you see.)
Haha. It hits me. I wish I took an evasive action.
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