Seven Deadly Sins

Envy:Very High

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on

Friday, July 27, 2007

Because of you.

Who broke the puzzle? Was it you? Of course it is you, I caught you red-handed. You are disarranging everything and making unnecessary marks on my lovely piece. Who are you, you didn't even put effort in setting it up, then look at you: you are ruining my picturesque of beauty. Who will I accuse? Who else?

Tsk, tsk, tsk. You've made quite a mess. You destroyed my puzzle, you put water to my paper, you smeared my only loved letters with ink. How stupid can you get? Even better?? Duh, I mean, you are a college student yourself, you always make it a point that you came from a prestigious school (who by the way is really unknown to me), and you are honed by a different set of friends, yet you still make the same mistake. Is it intentional? Is it? Tell me, or I will not spare you my understanding.

I am always doubtful if ever it is you that I am supposed to blame. I mean, you are that same childish teenager who I don't get along very well with, but still, you are as good as you are. Well, after what you've done, I can't tell anymore. You are that klutz--klutz with words, actions, and almost everything. No, I mean, everything.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. I can really tell that it is you who is supposed to be blame. We are a good circle. A near perfect circle. But, what you did is that you erased a part of it and draw a skewing line. Stupid, stupid.

1 comment:

maf-maf said...

oist cno yan?! ako ba yan!??? *cry, cry*
