Seven Deadly Sins

Envy:Very High

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Raison D'etre (Reason to Be)

There she lays, in the half-lit corridor, naked & in peace. Distraught took over her; she was overpowered by desire. There she lays, a knife at hand, silenced as if mute. Her eyes swollen from fear, her tears filled. Slowly, it rilled down, pulled by the weight above her.

Despair, despair. Her arms were seized by darkness. She shouted but no help echoed in the gloomy abyss. She shrieked but only heard herself strained by the hopeless terror before her.

She felt every finger, every hand and every slap. Out of the lust, her life was transformed. Whispers are all over her; her heart, beaten and terrified to even fight back.

She closed her eyes, wishing that everything is a dream. "Is it a dream?" she asked. She prayed and prayed but her voice was hushed by the nightmare.

Slowly, she felt her body being freed from the darkness. She sighed. And, inch by inch her body was being raised. The playful breeze mingled with her bare chest, telling her that everything will end. And, as if in an instant, she felt her body falling to a deeper circle, deeper than the voices she heard. Above, she can hear the mischievous laughters of the differed ones,as if observing her. Then, everything went to blank as she hears a silent fall beyond the trees.

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