Seven Deadly Sins

Envy:Very High

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on

Saturday, July 7, 2007


I don't like it anymore. It is like being someone so egocentric and so foolish enough just to say something in an argument. And, hurrah, hurrah, it's me!

Stupid? Yes! I am very meek, too shy to hurt someone. My words are harsh that's why I am trying to be laconic. Too bad, I say to myself, or I will be bad myself.
This day is very, very weird. Everyone, even if supposed to be unaffected, was hurt by certain circumstances. Even I am trying to bind the link. But, my hands are very weak. They are trembling, as if I am flimsy myself. Even if, I always tell myself, I will do everything. As in everything.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. I even expected that everything will be done in just only one whole day. How stupid! I know it is hard to mend large holes. I know it is somehow complicated to put small things by their shapes (if they even have shapes). One thing there: I should have been considerate enough to know what may come.

Well, like we always say, thank God there is always something to expect. Or else...

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