Seven Deadly Sins

Envy:Very High

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on

Friday, July 27, 2007

Stop waving, dammit!

It felt like good bye. I mean, it really did. Am I supposed to look at it as if it is even ironic, or should I walk to him and say something that can help restore what was lost? Can I, in my powers, can do such trememdous task? Yes, maybe, if it is my last resort.

Stop waving, dammit. You are not helping. You are supposed to be helping him to get back to us and not tolerating his sudden behavior. Believe, I tell you. Believe. Believe even once--believe as if you will die tomorrow and you are preventing it--believe as if you are just saying hello instead of good bye.

You know what, I can't write anymore. I can't continue this. I should be doing it, not jsut writing it. But, when all else fails, maybe it is a good bye. Maybe we can't prevent him from choosing his own path, even if we think he is choosing a wrong one. Maybe, it is too early to judge something so gargantuan, so big. Maybe, we'll just have to wait. Patience, my boy. Patience.

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